This belt level is suitable for anyone who wishes to learn the basic Lean principles. Lean Yellow Belts are experienced with the processes in daily practices and are therefore often involved in leading Kaizen projects or they are team member in a Lean Green Belts or Lean Black Belts projects.

This belt level contains only theoretical examination.

Exam Rules

  • Multiple choice format
  • 40 questions per paper
  • 25 marks or more required to pass
  • Open book exam
  • 60 minutes duration
  • The exam is available in English and in Dutch.
  • Online exam with an invigilator is possible.
  • Simple calculators are permitted for this exam

Frequently Asked Questions about the Yellow Belt Skills and Certification

The Lean Yellow Belt level is suitable for anyone who wishes to learn the basic Lean principles and the most important Lean instruments.
Lean Yellow Belts are ideal team members for Kaizen projects due to their experience with processes in daily practice.
Lean Yellow Belts are responsible for enhancing operational performance within a department or production line. This may include shortening lead times, problem-solving, or improving quality.
Yes, you can get certified as a Lean Yellow Belt. The certification involves only a theoretical exam.