Lean Six Sigma Black Belts are experts in executing Lean Six Sigma projects. As a program manager they are responsible for managing complex breakthrough projects and supporting improvement teams with tools and techniques. Very often Lean Six Sigma Black Belts are assigned full time to work on improvement programs.

Lean Six Sigma Black Belts have both skills for applying analytical tools and skills for leading change. The scope of the project is often across departments and organizations. We can distinguish Lean Black Belts that are working on process improvement projects and Lean Six Sigma Black Belts that are working on complex data driven projects. Lean Six Sigma Black Belts master all Lean techniques as well as additional statistical and sophisticated analytical Six Sigma techniques.

In the case that an organization does not employ a Master Black Belt, the Lean Six Sigma Black Belt may fulfil the role of supporting management in Lean Six Sigma deployment and coaching Green Belts in executing their projects.

You can get certified as Lean Black Belt or Lean Six Sigma Black Belt. The certification consists of a theoretical element and a practical element. The full Black Belt certificate requires sufficient achievement in both theoretical and practical element.

Theoretical Exam Criteria

  • The Lean Black Belt theoretical exam consists of 40 multiple choice questions.
  • The duration of the Lean Black Belt exam is 120 minutes.
  • To pass the Lean Black Belt exam, at least 25 questions need to be correctly answered.
  • The Lean Six Sigma Black Belt theoretical exam consists of 60 multiple choice questions.
  • The duration of the Lean Six Sigma Black Belt exam is 180 minutes.
  • To pass the Lean Six Sigma Black Belt exam, at least 38 questions need to be correctly answered.
  • The exams are open book exams, where a maximum of 2 books are allowed. The exercise book is not allowed.
  • A calculator or statistical software (e.g. Minitab) is allowed.
  • You must be able to identify yourself with photographic ID.

Practical Exam Criteria

  • For Lean Black Belt: two successful projects at CIMM level-III (or higher).
  • For Lean Six Sigma Black Belt: two successful projects at CIMM level-III and IV or higher.
  • The project should have a significant impact to the organization. This means that it has a financial impact of € 50,000 on an annual basis or another relevant CTQ (like Lead Time) has substantially been improved.
  • The project must follow the DMAIC or DMADV roadmap.
  • The templates for submitting the projects can be downloaded from the LSSA website (max. of 25 pages).
  • The projects should be signed off by the Champion to declare that the projects have been carried out professionally and that objectives have been achieved and sustainable.
  • A single Black Belt can submit the projects for certification in its role of project manager.
  • The project must be submitted no later than three years after passing the theoretical examination.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Black Belt Skills and Certification

Lean Six Sigma Black Belts are experts skilled in executing improvement projects. As program managers, they are responsible for managing complex breakthrough projects and supporting improvement teams with tools and techniques. They possess skills in applying analytical tools and leading change processes, often working full-time on improvement programs.
Lean Black Belts focus on process improvement projects, utilizing Lean techniques to enhance efficiency. In contrast, Lean Six Sigma Black Belts work on complex, data-driven projects, mastering both Lean techniques and additional statistical and advanced analytical Six Sigma techniques. This distinction highlights the broader scope and expertise required for Lean Six Sigma Black Belts, often extending across departments and organizations.
Yes, in the absence of a Master Black Belt, Lean Six Sigma Black Belts can take on the role of supporting management in implementing Lean Six Sigma and coaching Green Belts in their projects. They play a crucial role in guiding and mentoring within the Lean Six Sigma framework.
The certification for a Lean Six Sigma Black Belt includes both a theoretical and a practical component. To achieve full certification, candidates must demonstrate sufficient performance in both aspects. It is recommended to thoroughly study the theory before attempting the exam, for which various books, including theory and practice exams, are available.
Candidates for Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification are typically expected to have higher vocational education or university level education, along with practical experience. This ensures that they have both the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary for executing complex improvement projects.